Due to the suspension of American Airlines services into Australia and New Zealand the Sell Your Way to the USA incentive will be paused effective 17 March 2020 through December 2020. American Airlines and Canuckiwi intend to extend the duration of the incentive period when flight confirmation dates return and fares are able to be confidently sold by the agent community in Australia and New Zealand. Further details will be shared in due course.
Over the coming weeks, a series of destination webinars will be rolled out to help agents with their destination knowledge. Agents who participate in the webinars will earn additional points on their tally sheets that count towards qualifying for a spot on one of the FAMS. For additional points, agents can also complete the American Airlines and Qantas Learning Bite.
All applicable bookings that have been made and issued will still count towards the incentive and points will be allocated for these bookings. Agents are encouraged to keep records of all flight bookings made with American Airlines as well as any land components, hotel bookings, sightseeing and activities with the five (Utah Office of Tourism, Washington, DC, Visit Anchorage, Travel Nevada and Grapevine, Texas) participating partners.
Earn 1 point for every round-trip American Airlines North American return airfare booked.
Earn 1 additional point for every PNR that includes Las Vegas, Anchorage, Dallas Fort Worth, Salt Lake City or Washington, DC.
Earn 1 additional point for any booking including the American Airlines All American Fare (multi-stop fare).
Earn 1 additional point for every land package that includes Anchorage, Grapevine, Texas, Utah, Nevada or Washington, DC room nights.
Earn 1 additional point for every destination webinar attended.
TO REGISTER TO ATTEND A WEBINAR: Email your name, agency & email address to Lara Kamionka at Canuckiwi Representation Ltd. lara@canuckiwi.com.
TO CONFIRM YOUR PARTICIPATION: Submit your name, agency & email address to Lara Kamionka at Canuckiwi Representation Ltd. lara@canuckiwi.com to participate. Full incentive details will be provided by return email.
TRACKING POINTS: It is up to the individual consultants to track their points, PNR’s and American Airlines revenue for their bookings during the selling period. A tracking sheet will be provided with the following: Air sales: PNR / routing / fare paid (excluding taxes)/ ticket number / PCC/IATA where ticket was issued. Land sales: tour name (if applicable) / hotel name (if applicable) / number of nights / operators booked through / Booking value.
FAMIL PACKAGES INCLUDE: Round trip Premium Economy class airfare with American Airlines from Sydney, Australia to either Las Vegas, Anchorage, DFW, Salt Lake City or Washington, DC. Self-guided, self- drive famil land package with 3 travel agents per destination including accommodation, rental car (if required) activities and some meals.